Dong Isbister is an assistant professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at University of Wisconsin-Platteville. Her research and teaching interests include collective memory and immigration, transnational feminism, environmental humanities, U.S. multi-ethnic studies, women’s literature, and translation and interpreting studies. Some of her published scholarly and creative works include “(Re) connecting People and the Land: Ecomemory in Environmental Writings by Ethnic Minority Women Writers in China” (co-author), “Rainbow” (poem) and “Self as Diasporic Body: Hung Liu’s Self-Portrait Resident Alien.” She, Xiumei Pu (Westminster College in Utah) and Stephen Rachman (Michigan State University) have co-edited Ethnicity and Environment: New Voices from Chinese Minority Women Writers, an anthology that features recent works of new, emerging, or established women writers from minority groups in China. Isbister is also one of the translators for the anthology. The project has won one of the ASLE translation grants and the University of Wisconsin-Platteville SAIF grants (2016; 2018). It will be published by McFarland.