There is never a time when Faythe is not in the middle of a project. Since she is not committed to one medium or methodology of work practice she is simultaneously focused and scattered everywhere. For what's on her plate she gets an amazing amount accomplished and is often thankful for her compulsive photography habit to keep track of her life. Levine most often works as a documentary maker, set-designer, illustrator, artist, writer, photographer, curator and events organizer.
At home in Milwaukee Faythe Levine curates an art space called Sky High Gallery that is tucked into the back room of her partner's Skateboard Shop that he has owned for over 10 years. Since 2004 she has produced a local show called Art vs. Craft that supports innovative makers & handmade goods. She is continually searching for good things-- music, food and art objects. Faythe's desire to share and collect drives her to keep searching & meeting new people at home and while she travels.