Jason Fletcher is a Romnes Professor of Public Affairs with appointments in Sociology, Agricultural and Applied Economics and Population Health Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior to coming to UW in 2013, he held appointments at Yale University and Columbia University. Fletcher has published over 100 academic articles and has received over $3 million in grants from the National Institutes of Health, William T. Grant Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Russell Sage Foundation, among others. He co-organizes the Integrating Genetics and Social Science Conference, now in its 8th year. A health economist by training, he has worked to integrate genetics and social science over the past decade, culminating in his book with Dalton Conley: The Genome Factor: What the Social Genomics Revolution Tells Us About Ourselves, Our History and Our Future has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and Freakonomics, among others. His new course this fall at UW is "Molecular Me: Social Implications of the Genomics Revolution”.