
The Wisconsin Book Festival focuses primarily on hosting events for recent publications. We host events in all genres.

We are no longer accepting proposals for the 2024 four-day celebration, which will take place on October 17-20. If you are interested in proposing a stand-alone Wisconsin Book Festival event outside that window, you may email your proposal at any time to

Please include the following information:

  • Author’s Name
  • Book Title
  • ISBN
  • Publisher Name
  • Publication Date of the book for which you are proposing an event
  • Outline of the proposed event, including potential dates
  • Any review/supporting materials that could aid in our decision-making 
  • A statement about availability for virtual or in-person events 
  • A confirmation that you have the equipment necessary to present remotely via video conference


Q: What makes a strong author proposal?

A: While there is no magic formula to getting your proposal accepted, the most successful author applications:

  • Have a direct tie to a book and a consideration of the audience
  • Are timely
  • Demonstrate familiarity with the festival and have an understanding of our events

Q: I’m a debut author and have never attended an event like this. Should I apply to be part of the Fall Celebration?

A: Absolutely! The festival is eager and proud to support authors at all stages of their writing career.

Q: What sets the Wisconsin Book Festival Fall Celebration apart from similar events?

A: Our events are free and open to the public. We don’t charge admission and don’t require pre-registration. We are approachable and support a representative community, with books and authors at the heart of everything we do! 

Q: If I am not accepted as a Fall Celebration author, are there other ways to be part of the Wisconsin Book Festival?

A: Yes! We recommend attending our events and getting involved with the festival. Maybe you ...

  • Are an expert on a subject and could serve as an interlocutor for an author and their book
  • Have time, and could volunteer and help behind the scenes
  • Are interested in becoming a Wisconsin Book Festival member
  •  Would like to follow us on social media to learn more about our programming and opportunities to engage

If you are interested in proposing a standalone Wisconsin Book Festival event outside of our four-day festival in the fall, you may email your proposal at any time to