Yolanda Caraway is the founder of The Caraway Group, Inc., a nationally recognized public relations and public affairs agency. She has played a major role in shaping the goals and objectives of the National Democratic Party. With a career in public affairs, strategic communications and political management spanning 25 years, Caraway Group President and CEO, Yolanda Caraway, has a proven track record of excellence that has made the agency a success. That success has resulted in The Caraway Group working with major clients like Microsoft Corp., MGM MIRAGE, Bristol Myers Squibb, MCI, Mitsubishi and Texaco. As one of the nation's top political strategists, Yolanda's extensive work for the Democratic National Committee and with major political campaigns has produced relationships with elite influencers and decision makers. Through these associations she has counseled government and nonprofit agencies such as the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Center for American Progress, NATO 50th Anniversary Summit and the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Foundation Project.