The Matchmakers of Minnow Bay
In The Matchmakers of Minnow Bay, Madison author Kelly Harms trains her eye on the love lives of Lily Stewart and Ben Hutchinson. Lily, at a crossroads in her life, is ready to throw in the towel and abandon her beloved apartment in the city for cheaper pastures. But, in the process of packing away her possessions, she finds—oops!—a letter in her junk drawer requiring further action to finalize the annulment of a long-forgotten Vegas wedding from…10 years ago! Meanwhile, recently having left a lucrative career in app development behind to return to his hometown of Minnow Bay, WI, Ben is enjoying a quiet life off the grid…when, Lily, the wife he didn’t know he had, shows up on his doorstep.
Kelly Harms

Kelly Harms is an author, a mother, and a big dreamer. She lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with her sparkling son, Griffin; her fluffy dog, Scout; and her beloved Irishman, Chris. Before this midwestern life, she lived in New York, New York, and worked with many of her author-heroes as an editor at HarperCollins and then as a literary agent. When she’s not lost in a book that she’s either writing or reading, you can find her on the water, in the water, or near the water. Say hello anytime at www.kellyharms.com.