Wisconsin Poetry Series Reading 2021
Presented in partnership with the UW Program in Creative Writing, a reading celebrating the Wisconsin Poetry Series. Since 1985, the University of Wisconsin Press has published some of the most important voices in contemporary American poetry. This event will celebrate four authors for their work: Carlina Duan, Carlos Andres Gomez, Diane Kerr, Anna Leigh Knowles, and Christopher Nelson. Join the event at: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/wbf-wisconsin-poetry-series-2021. Before the event begins, you will see a countdown and the event image.
Carlina Duan

Carlina Duan is a writer-educator from Michigan, and the author of the poetry collections I Wore My Blackest Hair (Little A, 2017) and Alien Miss (Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 2021). Her poems have appeared in POETRY Magazine, Narrative Magazine, Poets.org, The Rumpus, and other publications. Carlina received her MFA in Poetry from Vanderbilt University. She currently teaches community-engaged writing at the University of Michigan, and is a doctoral student in U-M’s Joint Program in English and Education.
Carlos Andres Gomez

Carlos Andrés Gómez is the author of Fractures (Wisconsin Poetry Series, 2021) and the memoir Man Up: Reimagining Modern Manhood. His work has been featured in numerous publications, including New England Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, and BuzzFeed Reader.
Diane Kerr

Diane Kerr is the author of the poetry collections Perigee (Wisconsin Poetry Series, 2020) and Butterfly. Her work has appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, Mississippi Review, Pearl, and Poetry East, among others. She is a mentor for poets through the Madwomen in the Attic Creative Writing Program at Carlow University.
Anna Leigh Knowles

Anna Leigh Knowles is the author of Conditions of The Wounded (Wisconsin Poetry Series, 2021). Her work appears in Blackbird, Indiana Review, Memorious, The Missouri Review online, Poetry Northwest, RHINO, storySouth and others. A recipient of an Illinois Arts Council Agency Award, she has also received scholarships from the Appalachian Writers’ Workshop, the Bear River Writers’ Workshop and the San Miguel de Allende Writers’ Conference. She holds an MFA from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale and currently teaches English in Trinidad and Tobago.
Christopher Nelson

Christopher Nelson is the author of Blood Aria (University of Wisconsin Press, 2021) and three chapbooks, including Blue House, recipient of a New American Poets Fellowship from the Poetry Society of America. He is the founder and editor of the journal Under a Warm Green Linden and Green Linden Press, a nonprofit publisher dedicated to poetic excellence and reforestation.