Why Did You Name Me Javier, Dad?
Madison Poet Laureate, Oscar Mireles, visits area schools and reads from his new, self-published book, Why Did You Name Me Javier, Dad? The book is an extension of his poem of the same name with illustrations by his daughter.
Oscar Mireles

Oscar Mireles is a published poet and editor. Mireles’ poetry has been published in over 50 different publications. Oscar has been writing poetry for the past 35 years. Mireles is the editor of three anthologies titled ‘I Didn’t Know There Were Latinos in Wisconsin: 20 Hispanic Poets and ‘I Didn’t Know There Were Latinos in Wisconsin: 30 Hispanic Writers’ and I Didn’t Know There Were Latinos in Wisconsin: 3 Decades of Hispanic Writing. He also produced a chapbook titled ‘Second Generation’. Mr. Mireles was selected as the 6th Poet Laureate of the City of Madison for the years 2016-17. Mireles has been the Executive Director of Omega School for the past 22 years. Omega School provides adult basic education services (GED Preparation) in Dane County. During his tenure, Mr. Mireles has assisted over 3000 young adults with securing a GED/HSED credential.