STILL: The Art of Noticing
Presented in partnership with Arts + Literature Laboratory, the Wisconsin Science Festival, and FlakPhoto Projects.
Every day since January 1, 2012, Mary Jo Hoffman has made a photograph of found nature. That’s nearly 4,400 consecutive days—not a single day missed. Over more than a decade of STILL—the title Hoffman gave to the project—this daily ritual cracked open profound revelations about the importance of place, the passing of time, the connectedness of all things, and the trajectory of her own life. STILL: The Art of Noticing traces this incredible undertaking, sharing a selection of breathtaking photographs from Hoffman’s enormous archive, accompanied by perceptive, deeply felt, and oftentimes humorous essays illuminating the insights gained through this daily creative practice.
Organized into six sections, STILL features 275 of Hoffman’s favorite photographs from the first decade of the project. Through her lens, the seemingly ordinary objects of daily life burst with new unexpected forms, colors, and possibilities. Mushrooms, leaves, stones, shells, seed pods, insects—all vibrate with magic under close inspection. Sunflowers have a windswept drama, and a closeup of the soft, red-furred ear of a dead coyote—technically roadkill—is peace embodied.
Hosted by Jessica Becker.
Mary Jo Hoffman

Mary Jo Hoffman is an aeronautical engineer–turned-artist. Since beginning her artistic practice and founding the blog, STILL, she and her project have been featured in Martha Stewart Living and Better Homes & Gardens, among other publications, and she has collaborated with West Elm, Target, the United States Botanic Garden, and the Scottish National Opera.