ReGENERATION: A Manifesto for America's Next Leaders
If you knew the future, what would you do differently? Economist and generational expert Rebecca Ryan shares her futuristic view in her newest book, ReGeneration: A Manifesto for America's Next Leaders to answer the question on through seasons. In winter now, America faces choices about how it will evolve into spring, process that will change how Americans spend, relate, collaborate, work and live.
Rebecca Ryan

Rebecca Ryan is a "human spark plug." Ryan is well-known throughout Wisconsin for her work in helping our companies and communities become future-ready. She's worked with established companies, e.g. Harley Davidson, Miller/SAB Brewing Company, American Family Insurance, and with up-and-comers, helping launch young professionals organizations in Madison, Milwaukee, the Fox Valley, and Green Bay. Ryan has been a popular speaker at the Wisconsin Academy and writes a regular column for Madison Magazine.