Madison in the Sixties
Madison, Wisconsin, made history in the tumultuous 1960s. Landmark civil rights laws were passed. Pivotal campus protests were waged. A spring block party turned into a three-night riot. Factor in urban renewal troubles, a bitter battle over efforts to build Frank Lloyd Wright's Monona Terrace, and the expanding influence of the University of Wisconsin, and the decade assumes legendary status.
In the first-ever comprehensive narrative of these issues and these times, Madison historian, Stuart D. Levitan, chronicles the birth of modern Madison with style and well-researched substance, including account of everything from politics to public schools, construction to crime. This heavily illustrated book also features annotated photographs that document the dramatic changes occurring downtown, on campus, and to the Greenbush neighborhood throughout the decade. Madison in the Sixties is an absorbing account of 10 years that changed the city, and the country, forever.
Stu Levitan

Stu Levitan has been a mainstay of Madison media and government since 1975. An award-winning print and broadcast journalist, he has written extensively for local and national programs on radio and television. In addition to Madison: The Illustrated Sesquicentennial History, Vol. 1, Levitan has written numerous magazine and newspaper features on the history of Madison and the UW for On Wisconsin, Isthmus, The Capital Times and Madison Magazine. This fall he hosts a WORT radio podcast about Madison history.