Lupe Lopez: Rock Star Rules! (Lupe Lopez: ¡Reglas de una estrella de rock!)
When a sassy drummer starts kindergarten, the rules of school cramp her style. What’s a young rock star to do? Join the event at: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/wbf-lupe-lopez. Before the event begins, you will see a countdown and the event image.
When Lupe Lopez struts through the doors of Hector P. Garcia Elementary in sunglasses with two taped-up Number 2 pencils—drumsticks, of course—poking from her pocket, her confidence is off the charts. All day, Lupe drums on desks, tables, and chairs while Ms. Quintanilla reminds her of school rules. Lupe has her own rules: 1) Don’t listen to anyone. 2) Make lots of noise. ¡Rataplán! 3) Have fans, not friends. But with her new teacher less than starstruck, and fans hard to come by, Lupe wonders if having friends is such a bad idea after all. Can it be that true star power means knowing when to share the spotlight? With its spirited illustrations and a simple text threaded through with Spanish words, this picture book is proof positive that being a strong girl moving to her own beat doesn’t have to mean pushing others away.
Con sus relucientes gafas de sol, su lonchera clásica y sus lápices tamborileros, Lupe Lopez llega el primer día a kínder lista para el rock.
“¡Soy famosa!” anuncia Lupe mientras tamborilea sobre cualquier cosa—pupitres, sillas y mesas—, mientras más ruidoso, mejor. En la escuela hay muchas reglas, pero las estrellas de rock no obedecen las reglas, así que Lupe tampoco. Antes de que acabe el día, la maestra le ha quitado todas sus preciadas pertenencias, que le serán devueltas después de clase. ¡Lo peor es que nadie se ha inscrito en su club
de admiradores! ¿Qué puede hacer una estrella de rock?
Copies of Lupe Lopez: Rock Star Rules! will be distributed for free to the first 100 attendees. During the event, there will be a link at the bottom of the screen, fill out the form, and a book will be sent to you.
e.E. Charlton-Trujillo

e.E. Charlton-Trujillo is a Mexican-American author, filmmaker, and co-founder of the nonprofit Never Counted Out. Trujillo has written several award-winning YA novels, and they are also the co-author of Lupe Lopez: Rock Star Rules and Lupe Lopez: Reading Rock Star with New York Times bestselling author Pat Zietlow Miller. They live in Texas.
Pat Zietlow Miller

Pat Zietlow Miller is the New York Times bestselling, award-winning author of many picture books, including Sophie's Squash, Wherever You Go, Be Kind, Remarkably You, When You Are Brave, Be Strong, What Can You Do with a Rock?, and many others. She lives with her family in Wisconsin.