How To Be An Indian In The 21st Century
Oneida author and poet Louis V. Clark III (Two Shoes) takes readers along on his life-long journey, in prose and verse, chronicling a voyage from schoolyard bullies to workplace barriers on his way to discovering "how to be an Indian in the 21st Century." Warm, plainspoken, and wryly funny Clark shares his own American Indian story, talking frankly about a culture's struggle to maintain its heritage. His deceptively simple, poetic storytelling matches the rhythm of the life he recounts, what he calls "the heartbeat of my nation." Readers travel along with Clark on a deeply personal and profound quest of self-discovery.
Louis V. Clark III (Two Shoes)

Born and raised on the Oneida Reservation in northeastern Wisconsin, Louis V. Clark III turned to poetry to continue the oral tradition of his people, the People of the Standing Stone. He is a member of the Iroquois Confederacy and of the Bear clan. His first chapbook, titled Two Shoes, was published in the spring of 2011 by the Sequoyah National Research Center at the University of Arkansas. His memoir How to Be an Indian in the 21st Century, published by the Wisconsin Historical Society Press, received the Midwest Booksellers Choice Award for 2017. He received a Fellowship Award for his work from the Oneida Nation Arts Program and the Wisconsin Arts Board. He and his wife live in Omro.