Attempts at Love in Greece
As the resurgence of the essay continues, John D'Agata takes us back to one of the world's earliest essayists, Mestrius Plutarch, a 2nd century Greek writer who might also be one of history's most innovative essayists. D'Agata will read excerpts from his forthcoming book, Attempts at Love in Greece, a collection of Plutrach translations.
John D'Agata

John D’Agata is the author of The Lifespan of a Fact, About a Mountain, Halls of Fame and editor of The Next American Essay and The Lost Origins of the Essay. He teaches creative writing at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, where he lives.
He has received fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Howard Foundation, and the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, and is currently working on a translation of a book by the ancient Greek writer Plutarch, as well as a new collection of his own essays.
He teaches courses on the history of the essay, experiments in essaying, and a variety of workshops.