Alamo Doughboy
This detailed account of World War I is told through family interviews, US Army regiment and division histories, service records, newspaper accounts, and letters from over there. The author, a descendent of the book's protagonist, is able to pinpoint one man's steps in the chaos of war nearly one hundred years ago by the week, day and sometimes even the hour. It is a true story about a private who served with the Texas/Oklahoma Ninetieth Division, his two brothers and two cousins, all of whom grew up in the same small town in Minnesota and served in the war. One cousin served with the legendary Lost Battalion. Alamo Doughboy is a solid military history, yet it transcends the war book genre. It's also about the home front, a boy and his dog, faith, love, courage, and duty. Its author, Jennifer Rude Klett, is the twelvth grandchild of Pvt. George "Judge" Knott.
Jennifer Rude Klett

A Mass Communications/Journalism graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and former newspaper reporter, I have completed my first book Alamo Doughboy: Marching Into The Heart Of Kaiser's Germany During World War I published by Branden Books of Boston, now available by ordering at your local bookstore or online. Please contact me at the email address below to inquire about author appearances.
I would love to come and visit to discuss this book and the US doughboy experience. Remember, 2014 will mark one hundred years since the beginning of the Great War; 2017 will be one hundred years since the United States entered the war; and 2018 will commemorate one hundred years since the end of the war & Armistice Day (now Veterans Day). Other than actively promoting my book and helping to bring the spotlight on the efforts of the US doughboys in WWI, I continue to to be gainfully employed as e-newsletter editor at the Delafield Public Library in Delafield, Wisconsin. I will be available for hire as a freelance writer in 2015. I especially love to research and write histories for organizations and businesses. Every history tells a story; incorporate your story in your marketing plan.